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Frequently Asked Questions

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

1. What is the UA-PTC app?

The UA-PTC app is a smart device application that provides quick and easy access to campus resources, news, events, and more.

2. How much does the UA-PTC app cost?


3. Where can I get the UA-PTC app?

The UA-PTC app is available for free in both the Google Play and Apple stores. Direct links are available at the following:

4. What devices are supported by the UA-PTC app?

  • Apple devices running iOS 11.0 or later
  • Android devices running version 4.0.3 or later

5. Can I delete the Blackboard app on my device since Blackboard is already included in the UA-PTC app?

Students have shared that usability is easier from the UA-PTC app compared to using the Blackboard app. However, it is your choice if you choose to keep or delete the Blackboard app from your device.

*Note: Completing tasks in Blackboard on a tablet or mobile device is not recommended.

6. What does the notification, "An update is available for this screen" mean?

This notification appears when the screen you are visiting has been updated with new content. When you select the notification, the updated screen appears.

7. What are push notifications/messages sent by the app?

UA-PTC frequently sends push notification messages to app users about campus news and events. If you prefer to read messages in the app only, turn push notifications off for the UA-PTC app in your devices settings.

8. How do I subscribe to push notification announcements from different areas on campus?

App users can subscribe and unsubscribe to individual areas on campus (channels) to receive messages related to the area of choice under the Messages screen.

To subscribe or unsubscribe to a channel:

  • Select Opt-in channels at the top right of the Messages screen
  • Select the plus icon to subscribe to a channel
  • Select the minus icon to unsubscribe to a channel

9. How often is the app updated? Are more features going to be added in the future?

App content is updated on a daily basis when the college is open. And yes, more features will be added in the future. As new app technology becomes available, we will work diligently to incorporate new technology/features into the app to bring you the best app experience. Have an idea or would like to see a feature in the app? Let us know by completing our feedback form.

10. My phone is taking a long time to load the information in the app. How do I speed it up?

Try clearing the cache in your device. This function may be located under your devices settings. Another option is to close out completely of the app and restart it.

11. Where do I send suggestions for feedback, report an issue, or if I encounter any accessibility barriers with the UA-PTC app?

Please complete our feedback form. Feedback can also be sent in the app under the About UA-PTC screen. All submissions will receive a response.

Contact IT Services

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College
Information Technology Services
A Building, Room 111
3000 West Scenic Drive
North Little Rock, AR 72118

Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Monday - Friday)

Help Desk: (501) 812-2780 (For the best results, be in the presence of the device/application prior to calling.)

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